Saving The World Podcast

Luke Macmichael and Martin Režný invited me to be a guest on their podcast, Saving The World. It was my first time on any podcast, and it was the first in-depth discussion of the Club 75 Alliance by outsiders. I was very pleased with the result.

Martin brought up an important point at around 19:10, when he asked about children born in New Hampshire who never explicitly opted out of positive rights. In the manifesto, I tried to address this issue in the second to last paragraph of Resisting the Proclivity, beginning with an important part of educating your children will be letting them know about other countries. We’ll definitely need to emphasize this further.

I was very happy to hear Martin say, around 49:05, I sort of like this idea that maybe the ideal future for libertarianism is that there are libertarian places in the world, that it’s a thing somewhere in the world where people who want it can go. For someone with socialist leanings to say this, it gives me renewed hope that we can negotiate peaceful secession.

The video of the podcast is available on our home page, but here is a direct link:

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